Breakage is the most common hair problem. It is caused by external environmental factors, improper care, as well as malfunctions of vital organs and systems. The problem is manifested by a lack of shine, elasticity, softness, lifeless color, the presence of multiple “knots” in the area where hair breaks. The hair looks like straw, both to the touch and appearance. …
Tag: conditioner
As a consequence of these influences, braids not only become dull and weak, but they also become dry, brittle, and have split ends. Most often, any disturbance in the structure of hair is a problem that can be solved quite easily, with the help of special care.
How to take care of dull hair?
It is possible to return the …
If you are a lucky owner of natural hair color and satisfied with it hue, all you need is a good shampoo and simply rules of care.
However, dyeing makes the hair porous, and, therefore, it is easier to absorb and give off moisture. Do you know what will be next? As a result, the coloured particles are washed out …